Monday, May 16, 2005

*sigh* do i derserve a kowtow? fren suddenly yesterday told me that she kowtow me...respects me for being able to handle so many things at one time. I failed yet she respects me. I did not know my strenght to go on in life derserves her awe. Idid not even know it was called a strenght. I just carry on. All my life I had been flying solo that I only knew the word forward if not where else would we go. There is no point wallowing in the past which I admit I still do it at times. Then I met a really good friend who taught me a lot. But is it possible for a person to be so wise? I kinda feel that it is so not fair for him to have so much knowledge and mother nature just forgot to add a sprinkle of it into me when I was made.

I appreciate your help. Thank you! Finally now I know the depth of a little of working life if I am planning to go into event planning. But will I succeed? I pray and hope I would....with all my heart. So back to the question!!! Well, I think I do not deserve the kowtow since she is as for now the straight A student of my course and also very successful than me in everything. She worked her ass off to buy her own kembara...that is so cool. I believe that she deserves my kowtow.

I still dun understand why after that many time that Lim Kok Wing Jr. dissappears from the face of the school...he decides to come up to work against us on this. Why did the LICS not encounter this and we were more organized than them? How can he say that the car wash is not passible when it was underway at the moment...his reason for refusing the event was not substancial yet cuz he was authority we were not able to fight. We did make a mistake la....and I believe it is my fault. Failure ...oh failure!!!


At 8:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha! The anonymous surfing works again for some reason. I'm sure it'll conk again soon. Thnx for the email updates.

Epistle of the Stars has been tagged by wil@theblackjournal

At 6:20 PM , Blogger Orion said...

No matter what...I appreciate that you actually try to come read..thank u!!!


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