Thursday, April 28, 2005

Adventures with Pereira!

Had the most weird day today of sleeping the whole night before and a luncheon that was not supposed to happen. Miscommunication always occur but this was horrible considering that it is coming from the esteemed "seniors" ...(SO NOT!) of the mass comm group in Lim Kok Wing. We were supposed to go to Street Mall to have lunch to accomodate a friend who wanted a "different" taste from the normal university cafeteria we drove all the way there...only to have her state that she did not feel like eating. So guess who ended up eating??? Me and Pereira....the so called driver. My friend that we were "accomodating" had the nerve to leave us and go 'take a smoke' while we sat patiently at a table so not meant for 2 people only...YES it was a large round table for 8 people I must say...that SHE the friend sat us at!!!!

Then on our way back, we were happily driving when Pereira starting screaming..."Damn, my hat!! my hat!!" . Now since the window was open, all of us turned round to look at the round...but only to find out that she left it at the restaurant. What a joke!! So we went back to get it, and on the way back again to the uni...we started hearing noises made by the old junk car...sorry no offence Pereira but you called it that too...!!! We we reached... I was commenting that maybe the car is not used to the extra weight cause it only used to carry dogs....and she started laughing...giggling madly about how I could refer to those 2 back 'human' passengers as dogs....MISUNDERSTANDING again...but I am glad she had her good laugh...hahahaha!!!


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