Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Dun understand women!

Yes...though as everyone knows the obvious that I am part of the female homosapien spesies I think I do not understand them that well. Yesterday, my friend was acting weird. First she was chatting happily with me then after a few hours she decides to ignore me and just talk to the people around me. When I try talking to her, she looks at me as if I was an alien and that it's just impossible to have a conversation with her. Another 2 hours later, she smiles at me and gives me a big hug then offering to send me home. Now, I finally understand it when men say how they do not understand us.

But you see...a lot of my friends are male...and I believe I understand them more then I do of my own kind. Yes I do know that I am very very weird but what can I do when a best friend of mine thought work like a be like a man when it comes to handling our problems in our daily life especially when it comes to working and succeeding! I came to understand and keep that value so close to me that I seem to work more like a man than a woman....why so??? I dunno!!!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading this book called..."Play like a man, win like a woman!" by Gail Evans but the book is so damn expensive...RM66.90 for a thin book of about 100 plus pages but it is interesting telling us the rules of succeeding that men know and women don't. Gosh....nevermind...pray hard some of my friends have it then I can borrow...hahahah!

Working life is gettin a bit easier...hahhahah...not so stressful! But then again it's part time and you always get overworked rite???


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