Saturday, May 21, 2005

*blink* *blink* *blink*

The day starts of like this....

Gosh..I'm already late for class! I run towards the stairs taking 2 steps at a time
*ring* DAMN..who is it this time? I picked up the call....

Hot Australian accented man : Hello, can I speak to Proffesor Chia please?
*blink* *blink*
Me : What? I'm sorry!
Hot Australian accented man : Is this 016 - *&%$Q!@$ ?
Me : Yes it is but there is no Prof Chia.
H.A.A.M : Ok...thank you. I must have jotted the number wrong!

I look around with a face expression of 'can-today-get-any-weirder'. Well, I said it a little too soon. During my beloved Public Relations class 2 hours later after my hot sexy phone number (so NOT!), my lecturer Mr. Bernard....(oh this all happened after class was dismissed and a few of us were sitting and chatting with him )...shocked me with some disturbing comment. I am after all....not shy to a hardworking and dilligent student. What else more can he want as a model student? Ok...I'm working hard towards there anyway!

Backgroud of the story : My good friend, Miss Kelly and Pereira was so kindly complaining on how I could stay in the uni from 10 am in the morn and only return home at 7.30 pm. I know I sounds like I do not have a life...and I was shocked they had to give that impression to everyone else in the class right? SHOCKING! Anyway, the main reason to it is the bus scheduling which I feel in my breathing lifespand is a waste of time to explain.

The STORY : So, I stupidly to cover up for my embarassment I said, " I am contented with my silence!" Ok ok...then my mind was in a whirl wheel and I am still shocked at my words. What does that mean anyway? It must really be the lack of sleep. I'm delusional! As my good friends continued to tease me...Mr. Bernard decided to break the silence (????) by every word k....." Make sure you allocate some time for ( snicker and wink ) MEN! ". My jaw literally dropped 10 metres underground. Do I look that desperate? Do I look like I really have no life what so ever?

The BIG problem here : Yes, I know you men there think what the hell is the big prob here right? There is...when the lecturer starts asking you to date and asking you to let me qoute, " Find a men and mold him like clay into what you want as a lover!" (Bernard, 2005) then we got a big big problem here. Lecturers are known to be oblivious of the surroundings or even they are not so, would only state their observations at times when it is needed...henceforth when the problem (whatever or whichever it is) gets out of hand. Now, I am about to scream...but the millions of people sitting surrounding me will then have their own stampede fest! This is because (to explain to you guys out there...& gals also la) for me as a female homosapien...being told and advised by a lecturer regarding my interactions with men sort of signifies that :-
1. I don't go out enough??
2. I don't date enough???
3. I don't look stable and balanced as a normal young adult????
4. I dunno...its just plain 100% on the weird scale?????

IT JUST...plainly stated...FREAKED ME OUT!


At 3:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man... how i was laughing!i think ur lecturer might have a perverted thought at tht moment tht's why he said wht he said...

At 6:24 PM , Blogger Orion said... way man. My lecturer is honest to goodness all the way. He is the best...he teaches me everything one can know about communication especially in the working world. I respect him totally for everything he does. I'm glad I have a lecturer like him. It was him who told me that he can see me as a successful person in the future despite my sudden drops in my so of my assignment results!


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