Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Box Office "Worst Day"

Today was a horrible day in a bad day itself. Ok…it started off horribly with me waking up from a vivid dream of me being bitten by many sharks and left to die. No one cared bout me…they would just walk by with a look of disgust like they “Why-are-you-dirtying-the-floor?-Stupid-girl-if-you-want-to-die-go-die-somewhere-else” kind of look. And that was horror to the maximum for a dream as you can already see.

Then it got progressively worse when my housemates decided to wake up early and I was just too crazy to listen to my housemate’s latest love story to go back to sleep. So there I was sleep deprived and worried about the new furniture I bought that was to arrive before noon. I had to dress and get to school and also shove my furniture into my house in time to arrive at school decent and alive. The day had to get more wonderful with the company not even sending me my furniture. I had to find a last minute “way out” to help me be there to receive the furniture and they had the nerve not to call me. By 7 pm when all the shops is supposed to be close, those people still have not called yet. Talk about inefficient people! Due to that I couldn’t move in into my new house as planned….ARGH! To top it off I had no credit at all in my phone so I couldn’t call them to let them have a piece of my mind.

Classes did not go so well. In my Public Relations class, I could hardly keep awake even though the lecturer was the most interesting of them all. The guy sitting next to me was such a bore…he answered all my attempts of conversation with either a grunt or an “uhuh”. So ANNOYING man! Due to my long non stop string of classes from 1 pm to 7 pm I couldn’t meet up with my best friend, Fiona for my long awaited chat to update her on my life and she update me on her interesting life. Gosh you should listen to the stories she tells you…she is a woman who lives on the edge. In my Journalism class, the head of the faculty interrupted Mr. Chee (THE LECTURER) in the middle of his class to get information from the students regarding his teachings. Then, the established daughter of Mr. Lim Kok Wing stood up to reprimand her (the Head of the Faculty) that it is rude to interrupt a lecturer’s class to “bitch” bout him while he waits outside patiently. So, here the class went in chaos discussing who was right and who was not. I did not know what got into me but I suddenly spoke up putting a stop to the conversations. I asked if they wanted to keep him as the lecturer or not. If you do, put up your hands. The majority won for this and the case was closed. But even after that, I still couldn’t believe that little timid me did that. I still worry now about what the Head of Faculty and also the other students think about my actions. Was I putting down her authority by taking charge of the situation? Was I stepping over my line as a student by representing myself to speak up as so? Please give me your ideas on this!

The night ended with me acting a little drunk. I did not drink a drop of alcohol but I was acting like a drunkard. Was this a after-effect of being vegetarian? I seems that I have to spend more money to buy Vitamin E supplement for a balanced diet when one becomes vegetarian. I don’t know the importance of it so I will research on it before I actually buy it. It’s there a vegetarian source for Vitamin E in vegetables or fruits???

I was dead tired so I decided to take a nap. But it was interrupted with a call from a close friend of mine(I know you know who you are and I am not saying I did not like the interruption but it was just a figure of speech. I was so glad to hear from you especially when I did not have credit to contact you..sorry dear!) who wanted to break up with her bf that she really loves. Advising her was kind of ironic as I was still single but I told her to follow her heart and say what is in it with no regrets. It’s either the person takes it or not. No point suffering to cover it as time will eventually reveal it so might as well have it upfront right?

Here comes the worst of the worst. Since I was acting like a drunkard and dead sleepy, I did not know what went into my mind but I sms-ed Mr. MCP that I loved him. It scared the heck out of him. But truthfully he has been such a part of my life that having him leave is like tearing out a very precious chapter of my life. What I meant by I love him is like a brotherly love kind of thing…no romantic notion at all…for now anyway. The future let’s not talk about it…thinking about it is a NO NO k. But I had no time to explain that to him and I was too chicken to do it face to face. All my best friends will kill me knowing what I did. This guy is part of my friends circle. He makes me laugh at the most difficult times of my life. He helps me realize what I really want. He understands my deepest desires and dreams that I am passionate enough to fulfill. We motivate each other to achieve the best. How can one not love a man like that? It’s the affection for a friend so dear to my heart. But I am saddened to know I am not that special to him cuz I am one of the many. Guess that’s what I will always be…average & part of the norm.


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