Sunday, December 16, 2007

To know me...& love me....

The amazing thing about finding the best of love, the great match is when you found someone who knows you and still wants to love you after that. Haha as I was saying, everyone (at least me) has a 'screwed up' side to them. The part that thinks too much, that conjures up weird plots and that one that imagines stabbing a knife in the heart of that annoying person...the part you try to hide from the world.

Then striped naked to the core (please stop thinking dirty by now k!) of what and who you are, that person still can smile genuinely at you and exclaim in awe at your beauty...that is a gem. Isn't that so great relationships and friendships can come from just loving....truly loving! But, I do admit, it is hard and really difficult to find *sigh*

But on a lighter note, I found what I may call, the best feeling in the world, the ultimate orgasmic sensation. Sadly for you guys, its not sex...haahah. It is riding in a car, windows down and blasting 60's and 70's music. Letting the Beatles sooth your soul, the Beach Boys croon their love songs and allow the heart to be healed by Elvis. Watching the Perth scenery pass you by and you feel the cool breeze chilling your face...that is part of Heaven. *contented sigh*

I am very much a loner and while at some times I find joy in a wholesome conversation with friends, the most part I find that just "feeling" is the greatest sensation in the world and last nite as I was high on lack of sleep, I felt my soul and heart pour out into the songs playing on the radio flowing into the world aura...combining my pain with the pain of those out there too...a synchronized party of tortured souls.

Haha a little too deep...or crazy...! But yea...isn't life so great sometimes.......


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