Sunday, December 02, 2007

Intruder alert!

My house was broken into yesterday. And I am freaked! I do not feel safe at all everyday and I am afraid to be alone. I wake up in the morning dreading to go out my room door...afraid of every sound and shadow lurking about.

I work at 5am every weekend. So, on Friday nights my housemates and I are usually busy with cell group. However, that Friday I decided to come home a little later than usual. As I reached home at midnight, I see the lights on in the shower and my other housemate sleeping like a log. I think nothing of it...everything seems fine.

I come home and instantly fell asleep in account of my early start in a few hours. In that 4 hours and 50 minutes I was sleeping, a thief broke the glass of the window in my living room and rampage through looking for stuff to steal. We closed the door joining the living room to the bedrooms. Thank God we were safe and unharmed....

In the morning at 5 am as I walked out of the room into the kitchen, I find myself feeling scared and unsafe...which is unusual for little brave me! I saw that the TV cupboard was open and the DVD player was missing but I just assumed it was my housemate who took it and kept it in her room...

So, off I was to another horrid day at the petrol station. At 10 am, I check my phone to 2 miss calls from my housemates. I was worried and called back despite company regulations. They broke the news and my mind goes into a whirlpool. I feel bad for not noticing it earlier...

I tried to get off work earlier but there was no one to cover my shift. Many endless hours of worry and frustration later, I am finally able to asses the damage. Broken window and dirty footprints all over the house.

Forensics has been at work earlier...taking finger prints but telling us of the low chances of finding the criminal. I then arranged for the agent to replace the window and await news from the police.

Despite it all, I am very afraid....I cant sleep peacefully anymore. Any moment I find myself looking at the door or window....I just don't want to sleep alone anymore. The stress from it all is taking its toll. Now, I only sleep when I am tired..the only time I am able to sleep. All I am wishing for is that I can have a nice long nap in the arms of him again...but I know it is not I am praying that God sends His warm arms to surround me so I can finally feel safe again.


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