Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dream, Dream, Dream!

I am...utterly...MORTIFIED, SURPRISED, ELEVATED, SCARED, SHOCKED, SMITTEN...by the fact that whatever I write here is actually read by people...alive kicking human beings that have a mind of their own. And they willingly chose to read my blog and I deeply appreciate your time and effort, my dear silent and non-silent readers.

No one ever thank you guys for your support. Not many anyway. And I dearly and sincerely thank you for everything. Thanks for all the advice. And I will try to be happier!!

Ever wondered why is it in our dreams that the most ridiculous and unbelievable thing happens? Why is it in real life these amazing things doesnt occur but seem like an endless nightmare?

I was dressed in a Hong Kong movie university student cute girl outfit with the extremely short skirt. I seemed to have dropped 30 pounds and look as sexy as Heidi Klum at a 4' 11" height. I am utterly smitten with the hunky Indian man ahead of me dragging me into a "ridiculously-from-a-Jackie-Chan-movie" Chinese restaurant. His hand grips mine in a perfect fit. A fit I recognize but can't seem to put a name to.

All I see is his sexy back & butt...(haahha *blush* embarassed!) but I don't seem to know his name. I try to call out random lovey dovey nicknames beckoning him to slow down yet there is no response but a utter determination to find a seat in this crowded restaurant. I needed to know the name of this familiar man. I dig my heels into the ground and halted to a stop. He turns and smiles at me with this amazing 1000 megawatt smile. He hugs me close and lowers his face for a kiss. It's him...the guy of my dreams...as a Indian??? Huh???

In the midst of me asking who he was....his lips close against mine...and *poof*

Yes...*poof*(white fog and all)...I was transported into United States, at a political campaign debate.
I was in a sexy Audrey Hepburn outfit that I have always dreamed of wearing. I was standing next to a incredibly handsome white candidate...who looks kinda like my dream man. He was reading a speech I wrote. He din seem too happy. The audience were not responding positively to what I wrote. My mind went, "Oh no! I'm screwed."

As the clock clicked noon, the crowd broke apart and I braced myself for a scolding or maybe beating. This guy dragged me across the room into a secluded corner. What's with the dragging!?! He stood before me and asked me if I had any of the other more experienced staff read the speech. I gulped my guilty "No". He blows up into a violent temper, speaking of my stupidity and ignorance. Tears well up in my eyes and his angry gestures grow gentle. He walks up to me and gently strokes my face, in a freakishly familiar way. I tense up as he tells me its a stressful time for him, explaining that I should not allow my pride and fear of asking questions to get in the way of the campaign's objectives. He then pulls me close for a kiss...

And I woke up!
Utterly sexually frustrating, don't you think? What do you think that means? Those men was the man of my dreams...as an Indian and an American?? Weird!!!


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