Friday, November 09, 2007

Swollen feet...

Red swollen feet soaking in a white tub of cold water. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH the ultimate relief for pain after a whole week of standing at my counter, being a sweet little Asian cashier chick.

But it is not that fun...


Mornings start at 5am with a long tedious walk in the dark for 40 minutes. Then pursues a long hour of weight lifting...milk cartons and tonnes of newspapers. The muscles are already aching by then and the stomach rumbles for food. In between all that, I must be perky and smile an excited greeting to every customer that walks in.

By mid day, my smile is weakening and my body wilts from the agony of torture. An attractive lady emerges from a beautiful white sleek Mercedes. She walks up to the counter...grabs a newspaper and presents it to me. I grab it to scan and smiles politely, giving her my cheerful 'good mornings'. She passes me a 50 dollar note. I curse inwardly....the paper is only 2 dollars babe. At least buy something else to help the transaction. Irritation sets in but my smile is plastered on tight. She offers no thank you and walks away with her change. 3 minutes later, she comes in demanding that I have not given her the right change. I smile politely, indicating that I did. She screams in anger and demands loudly while other customers look on. I look at what she has in her was short by 70 cents. I gave her another 70 cents cursing again at the fact that I will have to supply 70 cents from my wallet.

As she grabs the change rudely to go...she drops a two dollar coin into the chocolate shelf. She asks me for another..I refuse this time as I have given the right change into her hands and it is her responsibility to hold on to it. She throws a tantrum and shoves all the chocolate to the floor. I am pissed but I say nothing. My mind playing a horror scene of slapping her beautiful face to pieces. She storms away angry....and the 2 dollar coin falls from her jacket.

I smile..."IDIOT!" I think. The customer waiting laughs at her outburst. Screams after her in a sarcastic tone, "HAVE A NICE DAY!". After serving the other customers, I am now kneeling on the floor stacking the chocolate display she has destroyed deliberately in her tantrum.

I shake my head...sadden by how one has matured in years but still has a brain of a 5 year old. Money indeed does not make one better...and in her case....left her standing in grade school in her cute pig tails. I might have a horrible job...but I can smile and laugh at her stupidity. She...I don't think she will ever learn....or ever grow up....

What do you think?


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