Thursday, November 08, 2007


This is what I do not understand. Are women really that clueless in house electronics? A few months housemates tried to change the light bulb in the toilet. We were not successful. Then, a few minutes later, room no.2 decided to change her yellow light bulb to a white light one. Later on, the lights in room no.1 crashed. When the four girls in my house attempted to change that one, we once again failed. The next day, an electrician had to be called and the landlord warned us never to touch a light bulb-that he "lived nearby enough to be called if anything needed to be changed".

We heeded his advice, initially. Then, we got bored of waiting. Oh well...tenant in room no.2 anyway. So she changed her light bulb on her own. guessed it? I am sitting in darkness, illuminated only by the light of my laptop and a small desk lamp...all the lights in the house blew. This is not my idea of how I was going to study...ARGH...horror!

Are we women really that clueless when it comes to the men's department? Or are we just plain dumb?

I always prided myself on being an independent woman of the modern age. I have run a house practically on my own...assembling furniture when other men have given up. Yet, today, I am faced with the dilemma that maybe I am not really 'all-that'.

Do we really need men? Are we weak damestrels in distress waiting to be saved?

My answer to these questions is reflected on the face of my angry landlord and his sour face as money is sucked from his wallet as he pays the electrician the first time around. Tomorrow, I am glad that I am working and not here to see his heart crumble from the damage.

Back home in Malaysia....I was the 'man'. Literally. I am not laugh! My dad and bro...both always too busy to help out in the house. So mom depends on me to fix stuff. Yet today on my own I am lost. Worried and dreaming of someone to sweep me off my aching feet.

Do you think there comes a time where a woman's body give up on trying so hard to be independent because it is time for her eggs to be hatched? Is it like clock-work that our physical anatomy reflects what we emotionally yearn for? Were men actually right when they said we women couldn't live without them?

I refuse to think so. For is hard enough to ask for a ride from someone. Even if that means walking around in the dark for 40 minutes..I still refuse..maybe because of pride but mostly I think it is from my upbringing that I am not worth the trouble. Sorry mom! Haha family issues akkakak...low self esteem. But if we keep looking for the handsome prince on the white horse....then we risk missing the cute guy in the monkey suit jumping around or just the wonders of beach and sun with girl friends....whichever way I guess we just try to survive. With or without a man!!!


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