Monday, December 10, 2007


There are a lot of things in life that I;

When an old cranky man comes into the store insulting my math abilities when I accidentally short change him.

When some random crazy maniac poops at the bus stop.

When a drunken weirdo starts hitting on me.

When I have to work horrible shifts that I do not like.

When split ends start occurring at the tips of the hair due to winter.

When someone stole the last bread and egg off my shelf.

When I get random allergies because I do not know what I am allergic to.

But then, the things that I hate the most is the things I cannot control. And it pains me, pains me so so much, to not deal with them in the direct and honest way I do it...point blank open heart surgery.

See, with the things stated above, I can so something about it (even when I sometimes don't) but at least knowing in a way that you can take control of it one way or another...steering the course of its future at the point of time you think about it.

But, when there is something that involves more than what can be controlled, the mind has to wait, the actions is suspense for the right time and place.

It is here that I am utterly lost.....the need for all the junk of waiting when all I want to do is scream at the top of my lungs declaring revelation.


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