Friday, September 02, 2005

Day of horrible beginnings!

Ever had a day that everything seems to go wrong? First of all, my absolute stupidity caused me to loose my bus card for the month of Sept (and what date is today?)…and I just bought it yesterday! *idiot of the world…hear my cry!* That was RM70 flying out my window. Then, I had to pay for developing my photos for my photography assignment 1 even though I had vouchers for free processing. The photo company was busy with too many orders so I ended up going to another photo shop which caused me RM22 just to print and develop the photos. *sigh* Only to discover today that the pictures cannot be accepted…too blured..and I am back at square one. No assignment and less cash! So now I have RM 10 in my wallet to last me till the end of the month. Pray hard I get my pay soon so I can pay for the next photo processing procedure! Then, I got scolded for no apparent reason at the Student Services because “the lady” i.e. ‘bitch!’ thought I was buying a bus card ‘after her office hours’ when APPARENTLY she asked me to return at this time to meet the bussing management head. So there I was disappointed with my failed assignments….broke with many more field trips to go for photography….over-dued assignments piling up beside my bed….lack of sleep…kicking myself in the arse for losing the bus card…and there goes Ms. Bitch scolding me for something I did not do.

Well, many people say I am too soft and so easy to step on. Today was a great proof of my weakness. She scolds me and I politely tell her she asked me to meet her then. She scolds me more and screams at me and bemoans her bad luck due to students who doesn’t follow her rules of office hours AND YET I smile and sympathize and let her scold till she got my point. I was at the breaking point of tear from injustice…but holds it back bravely. So idiotic as I am…..I stand here today.

Then the money I lent to a friend seems to be not enough. And I can’t help at all….cause I am broke while Mr. MCP just refuse to tell me what is the situation now. Gosh…kill me now!

Then came my point of almost breaking down when I sms-ed a friend to talk about my bad fortune by asking him if he has experienced a day like this. His answer….(I smack my head hard at his attempt to cheer me up)….”I don’t think I am having a day like this. Everything seems to be fine!” ARGH how can he not understand that I only needed a listening ear. But all in all…he is a guy…a young little boy. Expecting too much worsens everything!


At 10:16 AM , Blogger John ( said...

hey sis...
Check out this site..
Give u some ideas on photography

i'm not sure if its fully vincent's site (u knoe... d charming indo german guy? ;)) but i see pics of him there as well =)

Real nice effects and angle .. haha

Take a look @


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