Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hating people will ruin you?

I was in church today and I travelled into the odd world of un-remembered memories where I used to fantasize about bringing the man of my dreams to my church to be married where all my youth time and childhood friends would be able to stand witness. I am so sorry to know that maybe it would not be a possible dream to fulfill. Sorry mom and dad! You would have been so proud.

I was watching a movie derived from the Mitch Albom's Five People You Meet In Heaven book. This movie really shocked me bad as there was people he met that without his knowing caused their death so that he could live. I wonder how many innocent people have I killed due to my unknown sins & horrible actions. Maybe a harsh remark cause someone to be too disturbed to drive properly and got into an accident. Or maybe a complaint about a waitress caused her to loose her job...thus causing a downfall to the financial source of her small poor family. This really freaked me out...what have I done??

The 3rd person he met was the owner of the place he worked at all his life...and one comment she said about how this thing about hatred doesnt only affect one but both parties. So with my now reknown hatred for men...not only am I pushing men away (which I actually find it good) but the worst part is that it punishes me with this gnawning inside from the negativity in me. Oh God what am I to do? Let go of the hatred? I know it sounds like an easy decision but its never as easy as it sounds rite? The dissapointment drives me to hatred and from there gives me this new inspiration to be better and stronger...I DUNNO LAR

Anyway whichever way it was....I love the starting of the book. If I can remember it goes something like this ....

~ It was like any other day for Eddie the Maintanence Guy at the Ruby Pier Amusement Park. If he knew that he was going to die that day maybe he would have done something different. But he did not, and so he went about like what he has done any other day....fixing things in the park~

As I read this, I begin to appreciate life more. Think about it....!!! Live today like its your last....


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