Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Should woman cry in front of a man??

As I watched the daily 8 pm news...something caught my eye! The International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz was bawling her eyes out at a press conference. She was saddened by Dr. M's accusations on her quality of work. Now, I know most people would be debating about the truth of the accusations and all but I am utterly so different. I was debating with my brother & sister about the relevance...the rightness of her crying in front of the press. My brother stated that it was to have the press on her side to show that she is the victim in this all. I believed that by crying we are showing our weakness to the one party we have been fighting to prove our equality to. I know I have been dubed the cruel hard hearted intense career woman type especially by my bro who loves petite and cute and mostly vulnarable women. I guess to him I'm doomed to be single...but that is another story. What is right and what is wrong? I do not know how to come about the subject of becoming a successful person in a so called man's world. I am sure all the successful woman out there has claimed that to survive you need twice the hard work, triple the perseverence and a lot of excellence....I pray hard I get to where I dream. Does dreams really can be fulfilled? Do you think I would be able to be good enough to achieve it? With all the books I seems to imply most women with the plus of good looks and great brains only can get themselves up the ladder? I am glad of the pathways opened by the already successful woman...but maybe they were extraordinary people....!!!

However, I do admire the way Rafidah handled the writting a letter with lots of proof. A wonderful journalism student I would say....ahahhaha. I wonder if it gets tougher or easier in the future with the competition between men and women on the ladder of success!!

Read the news article....sorry couldnt get you the clip!


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