Thursday, June 09, 2005

Brutal Reality!

Reading books like Grown-Ups by Victoria Glenningdale and How to get Rich by Donald Trump...while on the sidelines observing the lifestyle of the rich and famous Mr. Lim Kok Wing everyday as I work in the coffee house really gives me a downer and BIG BIG BIG reason to be depressed which for now I am so glad that am not there yet!

Well, the 'Grown-Ups' book emphasizes on the true reality where they reveal the many games that men play to get the GIRL that they want. Now, truthfully I agree with the book and the more I read the book, the more my life motto becomes "I HATE MEN!". We gals here all know that men will play all kind of weird and manipulating games just to get us to bed. Now, how saddening is that? And you know what, a man never loves you but lusts for you. Imagine if one day you became is too hard to take..for them especially! And there is no such thing as unconditional matter what if a man gives something he must have something in return and most of us here know what it is!!!! Another thing written in a book is that the person you are with might not entirely love you the most but admire another too...this which I believe can be true at time. So why marry? Why commitment? But then again, I do have to confess that sometimes woman play just as cruel games towards men too...wrapping them around their fingers to get stuff...I know of a friend who has a bf that buys her friends iPods and digital cameras for her close friends in return for the favour to help finish her assignments. Boy I wished I had a friend like that sometimes if there is no naggy feeling in my conscience. What is to be of this word love now?

Talking about B-E-A-U-T-Y...our beloved Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing..(I think that is his title anyway)...onlhas beautiful women working for him and even in Donald Trump's book he admits openly of how he admire looks and that is one basis of hiring people besides their brains. Now, I have to admit that I am on the losing side for this and my heart aches that I will never be at an advantage cause I'm just not pretty enough. Why then did God create different levels of beauty if all that people need to survive is one of the highest level? Why not He make life easier by making everyone so/too pretty? And charisma is needed to attract attention...gosh I will die and not survive working life. I am too normal....!!!

As I was talking to a good friend today, she was giving me a few tips about men since I was "unlucky" in this anyway she confessed to me that men just hate it when you are smarter than them. Act stupid even though you know you are not dumb! Then why did God give us intelligence especially me when all is needed to obtain love is stupidity? Do not act tough but cute and sweet so that we are the one little dolly to follow their order. This repulses me so much yet I fully understand now why life has been difficult for me in this area. I am too forward...too strict in the ways of life....craving success and being better...and proving I am better everyday yet I never learn...maybe I am born to be flying solo as I have been doing so far. But who is complaining right? I do not want to be bound to the demands of another homosapien which consider me lacking of any sort of knowledge...where would I stand? Where is then the goal in life!!!

Read this and this where my good friend shows her strenght in her amazing writing about how "wonderful" the world is...and how she puts all I was trying to say in better constructed sentences!! She is the one person I know that with every word she says (most of them anyway!) I know I will learn something from it/them...and trust me she has the gift of gab....which I know she doesnt over-USE


At 7:29 PM , Blogger Coconut Ice said...

u sound so depressed and self critical. Whats up??


At 12:45 PM , Blogger Orion said...

not happy kakakakak!!! juz dissapointed at the way of life but that doesnt mean im unhappy and I do know there are ways to working around those things!!! how u?


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