Monday, March 09, 2009

I'm cupid!?

I think I am starting to write bullshit all over again. Going back to uni makes your brain mushy and unusable.

Having been there watching two couples from their first meeting/date to walking down an aisle is a termendously wonderful thing. I think anyway.

The first one...I cried tears watching their wedding video and held back the sobs as I told her she looked beautiful in her gown. My best friend....meeting this handsome man in a bar then falling in love so wonderfully.

The second one...I remember the hilarious laughing I was doing when I met him for the first time. I knew him from somewhere else. But apparently blind dates do end up in wedding bells. Well, they havent walked down the aisle yet but 3 weeks down the track they will with another 2 weddings on the way.

These two people have been able to be together despite all the odds....despite all the myths your mother tells you on where NOT to meet men...blind dates and the only one common factor is....ME?

Is this the reason why I have so few friends? Cuz I cupid them into commitment and coupledom?

Haha...oh know who is next then right......

But then again I might be wrong....just too much dreaming.....or meeting people just at the right times.....or perhaps I was cupid in another life time.....

We will never know.....


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