Monday, February 23, 2009

To be or not to be...AGGRESIVE!


I faint! I cry! I kill!

Because I am having a bad day. Because I have to go to court.

But then things started looking up as I drove the dangerous route of unstable minds and I start to chant to myself..."Focus on God and not my problems!"

At first it did not work as I swerved left and right missing the countless cars I was not paying attention to. But then, as I walked the endless mile of shame to ask for desperate help...God shined his light on a man named Andrew. Who decided to help willingly, for free...every step of the way...

Thank you God!!!

It has been hard but I am on my way to recovery.....

On to other more exciting things in my life...I started classes today and my lecturer was a short Asian gal who is overly aggresive...on her first day of lessons I already know she is partial towards beer, have only ONE bf and swears like a sailor...her first words today?"Shit!"

And the funniest thought was...I want to be her friend, and that I truly aspire to be her!! The crying frenzy just hours before seem to disagree with such thoughts but my mind just reeled with glee at the thought of being so......AGGRESIVE......

Have I finally turned insane?


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