Sunday, January 25, 2009

I never thought...

You know that moment of time where you have the high of something good about to happen. I remember those moments the most...because it usually follows with the big crash of disappointment. Rejection never seem to get easier to accept even when it repeats itself ten million times.

I can remember how everyone keeps reminding me to not get too excited about something and not to put too much hope in something. Why is it I seem to never listen?

Do you think I actually like torturing myself like that? or is it the little kid in me that won't give up on the notion that hope brings about great happiness and most of the time....the one thing you have been praying for?

So, is it wrong to put too much hope? Is it wrong that even when the crash hurts the little consoling kiss on the forehead or an ice cream to cheer me up always does the trick?

Isn't that the wonderful thing about life...or maybe its just my excuse...*wink*


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