Friday, October 03, 2008

Almost died....

It's scary and horrendously nerve-wrecking when you see a speeding car going out of control towards you. All you think about is closing your eyes and praying you live while bracing yourself for what impact might come. The worst part about such a thing is when you are stuck between other cars and you have no where to run but just to wait for the worst. It is a feeling so horrible that even I am lost for words now.

However, in this story, we survived....if not I would not have the pleasure of telling you this story now. Many of us had car accidents before...but near-fatal ones seem to be the rare one. Though both of us came out unharmed from the incident, I know deep down in my heart I have been scarred; by fear, apprehension, doubt and the land of all that is good has been shaken.

To me on the passenger seat, all I saw was a ute in front of me slowing down to turn as the car I am in slow down with it patiently awaiting it,then seconds later the driver in a big truck about to turn out from a street in front of us showing the hand signal to slow down (for whatever reason I do not know), the next thing I see is a car swerving around us hitting into another truck from the opposite lane and crashing into the fence of empty land. I thought I had the better end of the deal as I was oblivious the whole time before it happened. The driver of the car however soaked up the fear way before as he looked into the rear view mirror to see a car speeding towards us, with no where to run and no possible way to save the woman he loves. He waited for the crash to happen as the ute in front of us happily turned his corner. Inches before the speeding car hits our car, he swerves to the next lane only to loose control and hit a car coming from the opposite direction.

Though it may seem weird but making the choice to not run away could not have prevented the accident. However it did save our lives. Because, even if we jumped across to the other tight as it would have been...we would have been the target hit for the speeding car as he tried to avoid the turning ute. God was there protecting us....protecting me from screaming my head off and scaring the driver into doing something he would not have done normally. Protecting us against being slammed up the cab of the ute.

So, forgive me housemates, if a broken down fridge does not seem like the biggest crisis in the world. Because, starting today, I am not going to hold your hand and waste my time in this world to baby sit you as you cant seem to find a warranty card or have time to buy toilet paper. I am living today for myself. For the people who actually cares a dim wat from me. Because a man saw a speeding car racing towards us and took it all to himself. Because God showed me that life was short. Because today seemed like a sunnier day than yesterday.


At 8:18 AM , Blogger Iced Nyior said...

omg erin! im sooo glad to hear you're okay. thank God you both are safe. take care *huggles*

At 3:27 PM , Blogger Orion said...

thanks so much. I am glad to be alive too. thanks for ur concern. u take care too...


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