Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Breaking through...

Whenever my good friend Ari talks to me about affirmations and The Secret book...I could never really comprehend what she was talking about...like I understood it but it just did not sit right in my mind. I used to frustrate her all the time with that....I can almost imagine her pulling her hair out.

But today....I choose this to be my affirmation...

My Life is working right NOW.Today I live healthier because I make wise choices. I am rid of past regrets and old habits. They do not interfere in my productive lifestyle. I can Have, Be, and Do anything I desire.I look and do my best and God does the rest. ~Debra Lamb~

But I do want to add that....I am happy and loved. That all who hurt me are beyond me. That God is there craddling my life in His hands and that I am working great and excellent towards our future....

And everyone say...AMEN!

P.S. ~ Let's just say a certain someone realised that deep down inside she is still hurting and in need of some loving...spiritually and mentally.....and tho having been keeping it in to seem strong she is letting it out in the open and HEAL....


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