Wednesday, January 02, 2008


He is 6 feet 2 inches and has the scruffiest of brown and red hair ever seen. With the even temper of a little cute bunny and the anger of a lion, he scares most of the people away. But a smile is always present for the dearest few and even snide comments made about him does not wipe away that 100megawatt smile. Driving a white ute that is utterly way too big for his frame, his never ending story telling cheers a boring day.

That is my new 'bloke' as most Australians would put it. He gets me to do things that I would not usually do. And some days he even gets me to take on his responsibilities which I enjoy deeply just to please him. Our love hate relationship towards the idiotic world surrounding us fuels many conversations. His plans for a going away party for yours truly before I leave makes the heart flutter and face blush.

He answers my phone calls with, "Hello my little chickadee!" while his mates tease him on about it. His sweet acceptance of how much he needs me makes me feel all the more proud of myself.

Sadly...there is a 'but' to this story.

For as you see, I did not know this relationship exists but only in the mind of my manager of that horrid petrol station. This is all but a part of his imaginary relationship which I would call as the "cry of the lonely". As he walked off towards the shops to buy dinner for himself alone that night in a beautiful house which is not his (but which he is house-sitting for) and a much anticipated walk around the neighbourhood which is also not his to call his own, I hear his words resounding in my mind; replaying itself, "...As long as I am happy, it doesn't matter if it is imaginary."

However, I do not see his attempts as pathetic for I feel life is interesting playing of such games. For even as there is no interest looming about in the air of the petrol station, at least smiles are about.

For Shakespeare once said,

"All the world's a stage,
and all the men and women merely players..."
As You Like It, Act II, Scene 7, 139–42.[30]

So, why not? Right...why not? The world is dull enough with the mundane repetition of everyday work. So, why not make a stage of our life and play it out in the way we want it to. Someday, it might be a little more difficult with the multiple challenges bombarding our way but just, some days, wouldn't it be wonderful to laugh the humid uninteresting day away?

What say you?


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