Sunday, November 06, 2005

Raya Celebration!

The Malay community is a new experience for chinese girls like me. Eating with your hands and speaking in a manner of respect by putting your name instead of I. But it was fun nontheless....I loved the experience. Thank you so much Kak Noor for allowing me to have such a wonderful time.

Wow...I did not know raya as the Malays see it. I absolutely love the raya morning asking for forgiveness expedition. The little kids would be so excited running round to get money while the more matured kids stood around hoping to get money yet at the same time sincerely apologizing to their parents and family members for any wrong doings. It is so wonderful. Why Chinese do not do that during Chinese New Year ? Such a waste!

You can actually feel the warmth of the large kampung family. Everywhere you visit they welcome you with open arms and lots and loads of food. Man all my many hours in the gym gone...with the yummy lemang and ketupat and rendang....*drooling*. I know Fiona really enjoyed her so much!!!

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I can't believe Kak Noor and Fiona actually ganged up and told Kak Noor's mom about me being single. I was like on a matchmaking conquest everyday....akakakka...each single men in the extended family were introduced with extra details on their income and working was Even the grandmothers were interested....akakakkaka!!!!

Oh oh...I bought a new baju kebaya...nice nice???

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Oh yeah.....girls my age usually do not get duit raya...BUT I got...YEAH...from this guy. Amazingly, unlike chinese give the so called 'ang pau' hijau this got to be working...not married....kakakaka.....not bad for the little kids...more for them....anyway according to Fiona...that guy gave us the packet (yes she got one too...and yet!!!) because he liked me...YEAH RITE!!! So not true....

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But I am keeping the packets for memory sake....


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