Saturday, August 09, 2008

Too many falls...

There is this malay phrase that goes..."Sudah jatuh, ditimpa tangga" which literally means after falling, the ladder falls upon you. What it really means is that...after one bad thing another follows and it continues on. I am currently experiencing that....after working my butt off to pay for my tax return did not arrive in time. So I have to grovel and beg my parents back home to help me pay off the rest. They happily agreed with a grunt. But things were finally looking up...I was back in class...working less....and my fees is paid for a semester so I have one less worry.

But then the MONSTER LADDER strikes. Apparently, little idiot me did the tax return wrong or something but I got summoned by the tax department to pay an extra 4k...which was the exact amount of my expected tax return. So I do not know what went wrong. But one thing I do know....hanging from the ceiling with a rope around my neck sounds a lot better than groveling to my parents for more money. But somehow, I seem to be better at groveling. So I had to apologize to my parents for the late delay of the supposed imaginary tax return and I need to track the tax people to see what went wrong, while doing 3 assignments. All on urgent conditions.

Somehow I do not know when all these bad things will end...because for once...I just really need a happy moment...just one! Even my relationship is a little rocky lately....due to only seeing once a week...him busy with busy with assignment, work and horrid things happening to me....



At 4:30 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

oinahhhhhh...suka betul ko negatif. i'm not surprised rocket jatuh atas rumah kau ni nanti........ :)

love u


At 10:47 PM , Blogger Orion said...

Kakakak love u...alar dun la ikut me and curse curse jugak ni...kakkaka..Miss u pulak


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