Monday, April 14, 2008

Bulls ahoy!!!

Everyone who knows me....knows very well how I cringe at the thought of a confrontation. I do not know how to fight back and I do not know how to defend myself. I am, however, very good at keeping mum & staring back defeated in silence. It is pathetic and sad...but have not been brought up to be so feisty.

Even a recent argument with my boy boy also resulted in me consulting 10 million other friends before I got the courage and words to win the case. Also though I think he was being nice and letting me win. Such a sweetheart!

Anyhooooo...the main point of this post is that...

I might look like a scared shit-less lamb but truth is when you rub me the wrong way, I can get pissed off and bark at you.

Saturday was a good day...started off great with a large milk order and doing so with a bad back doesnt seem to make my smile any bigger. But after putting all of it away, I was able to relax in blissful quiet Saturday mornings where everyone is still asleep from a drunken Friday pub night. I walk around the empty store to tidy up on what is needed with the occasional needed break of newspaper buyers interrupting. It goes good til the late risers decide to invade my space for cheap fuel. At the height of it, a customer decides to piss me off further by bitching to me about how it is our fault that the air hose is broken.

No. 1 - its never our fault...we don't even use the airhose
No. 2 - its cause every time we get it fixed...some idiot will somehow spoil it within the next day
No. 3 - it seems like there is never a air hose because of reason no. 2

After his long 10 minute bitching...I said....

"Why don't you say that to the customers who actually do spoil them?"

His face turns bright red from anger and I stare him back square. He backs down and mumbles...."Stupid server stations...." and walked off before I could punch him in the face.

30 minutes later....

Another man drives in and decided to fill up his jerry can from the back of his ute. It is against company policy to do that so I requests for him to place the jerry can on the floor before filling. He comes in angry and steaming, requesting an explanation. I tell him it is for safety reasons, and he keeps asking, "Why?".
"An engine tank is not on the ground too!", came his lame kindergarten retort.
I explained that while your engine is strapped down to the car, the jerry can isn't.

As he continues on his endless fight, I calmly tell him that it is not me he should direct his anger at...I inform him of a complaint number and he can do his satanic works there. As expected, he refused and continued on harassing me. I raise my voice a notch telling him I am only doing my job to carry out the company's orders and is happy to pass him the complain number. He finally stops arguing and ask politely for the receipt to his fuel. Walking out huff-ly but somehow defeated.....

All in all...its a day of lost tempers......(don't mess with a angry woman!)


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