Power of friendship...
"You are too nice!", screams every single one of my close friends. Their utter frustration seems to beg for me to stop being like so...so that they can finally rest in peace."Stop being so negative!" begs another sweet soul trying to bring me back into the light from the 'darkness'. As much as I love them with all my heart, my brain refuses to register their advices....rebelling against change.
What was I so afraid of anyway? Would such change really do as much harm as the benefit it will bring in the long run?
Think back to that time...long long long ago....ages beyond the dinosaurs where Backstreet Boys were the bomb and Spice Girls dominated the posters of every young teenage boy. The time when you started meeting friends...and when the security blanket of mommy and daddy couldn't shield you from being betrayed and back stabbed.
It was then that insecurities about relationships and friendship crept into the dark corners of your mind. It is at these vulnerable times that set the precedent for future relationships.
However so...despite the many heartaches...I always believed that love should be invested unconditionally into friendships no matter how much people complain about them or how they seem to annoy you at the worst times of the day. I have detached myself from the KL world that I was so joyously enjoying when I moved to Perth only keeping in contact whenever a gap appears in my busy schedule (which is as rare as a sun eclipse).
But surprisingly, their love for me did not seem to die off. As I go through a tough time packing the memories of my lost love into black plastic rubbish bags, the people who first discouraged me into such a relationship (which btw I did not listen too) was there to pick up the pieces of my heart. And as they offered their generous hand of help, I thank my lucky stars and also God that I met them...and decided to love them. Because today I love them more whenever they get cranky, when they get freaked out by my overly zealous lesbian tendencies and when they get pissed off whenever I do something stupid.
And who says I am alone. Though they are not there for me 24/7 and not available all the time due to higher bias towards quenching their thirst of horniness...I know I could have no better friends than them...
Thank you guys for reading my heart's needs before saying the words...!!!