Friday, July 22, 2011

Being an over-thinker...

Mens' brains don't work any more than they have to. They are the best at thinking about 'NOTHING'.

Women are even better at squeezing all the juices out of the brain til it turns sour. I hate being an over-thinker but it is also the only reason how I can run 20 million company projects with just a list and not often forgetting deadlines.

Unfortunately, my brain never rests and when I am worried...I never sleep.

I also have the ability to conjure up 10 of the most negative scenarios from one single sentence or a 5 second snippet of a conversation.

It is a curse! A never-ending curse...til I grow old and develop dementia. And even then, there is no guarantee I won't stop thinking I am Bill Gates or married to a 24 year old millionaire :)

Note the above! Skipping from one train of thought to another. It does not flow...right?

And men laugh at how ridiculous over-thinkers like I torture ourselves with the possibilities and endless "ifs" in life. But for me...I have no idea how to shut my mind off. So we over-thinkers sit and stir and ponder and fret while all the life gets sucked out of us. Because we spend so much of our energy thinking we have nothing left for growing and getting better.

So this weekend I am enrolling into cooking school. So that I can start using my hands and stop thinking so much....and maybe through this I can find myself in that dream life and dream job...and be so tired working with my hands...MY BRAIN STOPS GOING CRAZY!


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