Tuesday, August 28, 2007


THIS SUCKS! Well, hey, life goes on right. But it still going to hurt when you realise that it was so easy for that person to forget you. After everything you give, everything you have given, everything you have sacrificed, you watch them bring other people to places they have brought you, you watch them do things with people that you have done with them. And you feel your heart break one piece at a time.

But hey....you just gotta move on..just that some people take more time and some don't. Well its usually the opposite sex anyway. Too bad for me that I am the one in pain anyway. Kakakaka....and as determined a person as I am. I can't stop the tears every night. And I know every girl out there reading must think I am such a dufus and a embarrassment to the name woman but I am and I am sorry!

However, I am happy that he has moved on. I am happy he is happy. I am happy he will continue on happy. I am happy that despite how much it hurts to say, happy he found others than can make him happy when I couldn't.

A friend told me, to not hope was so right. It just brings more pain. But hey...since I am doing the unconventional birthday anyway...why not just fill it with tears! Hey people...sorry for the horrible posts but I have no one to talk to here bout it. You can skip all the sob stories. I promise you a really good happy post in the next few days k. I promise that the sob stories will only come once a month. Because...NO...I do not know when I will stop crying.


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