Tantrums and reality...
Mortgage loans, debt reconciliation, joint accounts, credit checks....the list goes on.The endless list of growing up causes my heart to beat faster, my palms to grow sweaty and my head to pound painfully.
No wonder Vanessa told me to prolong the happy dating times. Less stress less worries.
But this is all part of growing up. I can't be shielded no longer.
A proposal doesn't mean a white wedding and happy days and just a commitment to another person. A marriage means a commitment to each other (to a man with tremendous debt and it becomes your problem too) to a commitment to the future (a house and stability and a full time job).
The last few weeks since the engagement has been filled with countless days in front of our money stash (or more like my money stash) and bank accounts trying to figure out money plans for the next year. All which includes a big loads of things to pay...and credit card-ing it is NOT...I repeat people...NOT an option.
Because buying a house option has no credit card tick box.
Sigh. Anyway, where were those days when young people could get married and live their lives happily without the stress of mortgages and fancy weddings.
Where are those care-free yesteryears?
By the way, how come no one ever told me weddings cost so much? Wait...or did you guys tell me and I didn't listen again? Sorry.....*blush*