Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day Peeps!!

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Happy Valentine's Day People! It's the best day to earn money if you are selling anything from flowers to chocolates and also badges....there is one guy even selling his voice to sing for your love ones. I think this is the most profitable days as with Christmas...even most grouches would not be so accomodating to pay RM 20 for a originally profitable price of only RM3.50 for a rose...

But is has and will always be the day of love. Try walking on the street alone on this glorious V day...everywhere you look...there are couples hugging and kissing and holding gigantic bunches of roses & chocolates and also the "im-trying-top-the-other-loser-boyfriends" teddy bears that seem to get larger & larger as you walk down the street. Usually when someone, i.e. ME, walk around a supermarket or mall shopping alone....I get bombarded with sympathy/pity stares from everyone...which obviously interprets as
" shopping alone. So poor thing!"

This time it's different cuz now....the worst have are ignored & at this time of the don't exist anymore! They are in their own world of love and fireworks and cupids!

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So.. you tell me you hate Christmas, WHAT a lie! Don't expect any help or sympathy this year or the years to come, just be like me, just stay home and be with my favourite people...
Ben Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting& Jerry!!!

Or just ...BE LIKE THIS GUY......and make food your love!!!

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P.S. ~ However I do miss bitching bout it with my friends, hogging the tables at mamak stalls far away from those couples kakakaka....HOWEVER.....the number of empty seats at those event decrease as everyone gets older...pressure of being the last single one is not that easy to handle.


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